Madison Lintz, an American child actress and popular television actor who gained fame because of her appearance in the Walking Dead's horror-drama show The Walking Dead. Madison was an extremely well-known actress for the 2000s because of her performance in the role of Sophia Peletier. In this role, the young actress was selected for the Young Artist Award in the category for the Best Performance of the TV Series Supporting Young Actress. Madison's actress-mother exposed her to the world of showbusiness at a young age. At the age of six, her mom first exposed the art of acting to her. It wasn't a long time for her to develop into a skilled performer. The actress literally was born before the camera. Commercials were where she began her acting career. The first time her acting work was noticed by the American public was through an advertisement for Golden Corral. When she was a girl in the age aged 11 years old, she was cast as Sophia in the television show The Walking Dead. After the show's success the actors contacted her and she began doing film roles.
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